About the Journal

Publication Charge: The publication process is free in Currere and Praxis (C&P). There are no express or hidden fees during the entire publishing process. Authors and readers can access articles free of charge at journals.symphonypub.com/index.php/cp.

Publisher: C&P is published by the Symphony and sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Education Studies (AAIDES).

Publication Language: C&P accepts manuscripts only in English. Authors could use either American or British(-ise) spelling for their manuscript; however, one style should be used consistently throughout the manuscript.

Publication Frequency: C&P is published four times a year in January, March, June, and September.

Publication and Evaluation Process: Manuscripts submitted to the journal are reviewed by two researchers (double-blind peer review). Manuscripts are published or not published according to the reviewers' evaluation reports. The article evaluation process takes approximately three months. The author/s are responsible for any errors (if any) in the published articles. Articles must not have been previously published.

Note: For more information, contact: journals@symphonypub.com