Re-listening to Alexisonfire: Duo-currere, adolescence, and the forms of study therewithin

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Study, currere, curriculum studies, music, Alexisonfire


This article shares insights emergent from our practices of listening and re-listening to music that deeply affected us during adolescence. Drawing methodologically on duo-currere, we focus our reflections on our mutual love for, and respective experiences with, the Canadian post-hardcore band Alexisonfire. We evoke the concept of study toward an articulation of the value of such listening both in adolescence and today. More specifically, the following insights emerge from our reflexive practice: 1) our adolescent listening shaped our affective landscapes, forming the contours of our relational and social lives; 2) our adolescent listenings were our first forms of study, and we find similarity in the ways we operate as scholars of curriculum today; and 3) re-visiting those listenings with active attention constitutes a valued form of study, albeit perhaps one that does not fit within the constraining value logics of neoliberal capitalist society. We conclude the article by gesturing toward the affective potency of music heard in our adolescence and its relevance in currere.


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How to Cite

Ellis, T., & M. Downey, A. (2025). Re-listening to Alexisonfire: Duo-currere, adolescence, and the forms of study therewithin. Currere and Praxis, 2(1), 13–30.


