The heart of the matter: Jean-Luc Nancy

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Jean-Luc Nancy, currere, being-toward-death, curriculum theorist, seminar


Curriculum theorists write about things that no one wants to talk about. Currere is not just about lived experience, but it is also about death. And it is this that no one wants to talk about. This is what Heidegger called Being-Toward-Death. I write about a professor who died several days before his seminar began. That professor was Jean-Luc Nancy who was Jacques Derrida’s student. Derrida is a familiar name to curriculum theorists, but Jean Luc-Nancy might not be. Christopher Fynsk—a well-known philosopher and friend of Nancy’s—had the courage to teach Nancy’s seminar only a few days after Nancy died. I took that seminar. The year was 2021. The seminar was held at the European Graduate School. In that seminar I began studying Nancy’s work. This paper is an introduction to Nancy’s work.


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How to Cite

Morris, M. (2025). The heart of the matter: Jean-Luc Nancy. Currere and Praxis, 2(1), 31–43.


