Examining Algebra I performance differences among at-risk Texas Hispanic high school boys: A multiyear investigation

Algebra I end-of-course exam, approaches grade level standard, meets grade level standard, masters grade level, Hispanic boysAbstract
This investigation examined the Algebra I End-of-Course exam performance of Hispanic boys who were at-risk and those who were not at-risk during the 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 school years. Data for all students in Texas who took the Algebra I End-of-Course exam during these years were obtained from the Texas Education Agency. The analysis focused exclusively on Hispanic boys. Utilizing secondary data, a causal-comparative or ex post facto study was conducted. The inferential statistical procedures revealed statistically significant differences in performance for at-risk Hispanic boys across all three school years. In each of these years, a significantly lower percentage of at-risk Hispanic boys met the three grade-level standards (Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level, and Masters Grade Level) compared to their not-at-risk peers. On average, at-risk Hispanic boys answered about 13 fewer items correctly than those who were not at-risk. These findings indicate that current instructional practices are not adequately meeting the needs of at-risk Hispanic boys. Policymakers and educational leaders are advised to review current programs and implement necessary changes to better support these students.
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